We are moving through a time of great unveiling. Our systems and governments are revealed for the ways in which they fail us. Major brands are being held to be accountable to the ways they have failed Black people and communities. Each of us is being called to dig into how we can not only support one another, but how we can maintain that support as a constant and ongoing practice.
In reflection on the ongoing, I created a list of Creative Ecosystems and Funds that are doing the work to support Black people, especially Black queer, trans, and nonbinary folks, and Black women. What this moment cannot be is a momentary surge of white guilt translating to temporary care and funds to Black people. White people, how will you use your wealth and power to create strategic plans for societal reparations for Black folks? How can you put pressure on your workplaces, governments, etc, to pay reparations to Black folks? How can you make this your own person practice? How will you support not only organizations, but also local Black folks? Please click here to access the list of funds.
If you’d like to submit your Creative Ecosystem or Fund, please click here.
Everyday, may we commit ourselves to liberation as a sustained practices. Everyday, may we not only reflect on how our offerings can be used in service of justice, but act on it. Sending solidarity to you and yours.