Yesterday my grandmother sent me a video with her face to the sun. Breathing in air, calling her loved ones, and I could feel her love even through the phone screen. This time of COVID-19 is pushing forward a lot of fear, making every illusion our capitalist system revealing itself. In this time of great unveiling, I hope you know you are not alone.
I hope you know how necessary your gifts are right now. That it is ok to take your time to breathe. To take pause in this unfolding. There is community even in the social distance.
And the community needs us all together, reaching out, sharing resources, organizing adaption, working with the shifts and changes, using our liberatory imagination to create new horizons.
I hope you are still holding your face to the sun. This morning I am watering my plants, and I am watering myself, I am calling my families across the oceans, I am dancing it out.
Yesterday, my dear friend Hanne Williams-Baron said love is the nectar. And I’m sending it to you through my little keyboard. In oceans and oceans and waves and waves. We are all in this together.
In my stories I have a few resources, including mutual aid funds, digital gatherings, and others, please continue to share and circle them through your communities. Much love to you and your communities I see yall. If you’re moved to, send this on to someone that you care for.